Women of the week

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Whitney Kropp is one of those teens who was an outcast at Ogemaw Heights High School in Michigan. So all the bullies thought it would be just hilarious to vote for her as the home-coming court as a joke; the bullied teen told the Today show that she was always made fun of for being “different”. She wears black clothes, and sports unusual hairstyles that made her stand out from the others. She was “thrilled” when she discovered that she was nominated to be on the home-coming court. But then it was revealed to her that it was a joke-“Some kids thought it would be funny to put me in there as a joke, to make fun of me,” she told the “Today” show. She is having the last laugh now, she intends on showing up to homecoming with her head held up high. Her town showed they support, she dines for free at a local restaurant, and her hair and make up are also for free. Also the bonus of being on the Today show.  The women of the week goes to Whitney Kropp, for keeping her head up high when others taunted and bullied her. and for standing up to all of the bullies when she could have taken the easy way out. She not only is beautiful, intelligent, but also strong.

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8 thoughts on “Women of the week

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, glad I visited yours will be popping by regularly. Brilliant article goes to show bullies never win in the end and well done to Whitney for standing up to them, and yes she is beautiful.

  2. Good blog. I hadn’t heard about this story till now, but that’s nasty. It’s very brave of Whitney and, of course, like all victims of bullying, she’s clearly far better than them. That’s why they do it.

  3. Pingback: Women of the week | By the Mighty Mumford

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