
I have recently came to a somewhat terrifying realization these past few months, which was that I’ve been been alive for seventeen years.  Seventeen years, almost two decades and you would think that the fact that I’m getting old would resognate with me and depress me, but no sadly it has not.I’ve seem to have suddenly realize that I have absolutely no major accomplishments in my life (I’m not even a high school graduate, yet). There’s no brag worthy moments that I can rub in peoples faces by saying, “see I’ve been there, done that.”
With this little self conclusion,it has not made loose “my purpose in life”, it only opened my eyes to the fact that I have not gained that purpose yet, I’m sort of like a late bloomer in a way; if your were to ask me the millom dollar question that had been directed towards everyone at omg point in their life time, “what do you want to do with your life?” My honest answer would be that I have no idea. Life if long, and I certainly don’t want to make a rash decision, and feel as if I have to uphold that one decision to the point where I have to honor and carry out that one decision and spite commitment to it.( yup, I’m that kind of person).
     So I’ve decided to pave my own path into self discovery, and the best way I figure how to do that is to make an awesome bucket list of things I want and hope to accomplishe through out my lifetime. It going to be  almost like living my life through a bucket list…..

5 memorable quotes from 1977 miniseries Roots


Roots was a powerful miniseries released in 1977 and aired on ABC, it told the story of author Alex Hayley’s descendents from slavery, through the war, and up to present generation. The first series tells the story of African born Kunta Kinte, a Mandinka warrior. Who was one day captured by slave captures in African, he then was transported to America where he was purchased to work as a field hand. Kunta Kinte, was brave and always dreamed of escaping to freedom and returning to his motherland. Below are five memorable quotes from this must watched mineseries.

1. Kunta Kinti: Chains aint right for niggers, Fiddler!

2. Kintango: We believe not in death, but in life, and there is no object more valuable than a man’s life.

3. Omoro: (holding his newborn son up to a star-filled sky) Kunta Kinte, behold the only thing greater than yourself!

4. Kunta Kinti: What’s snow, Fiddler?
Fiddler: Never you mind, boy, never you mind. Let’s get on back to home. I got enough trouble teaching you the difference between manure and massa. ‘Course there ain’t all that much difference when you gets right down to it.

5. Captain Thomas Davies: I’m a Christian Man and I command a Christian Ship! I will not lead men into sin!

The ride or die chick: three reason you should stop it!!!

The ride or die chicks are defined as chicks that are not afraid to be down for they  man, these are woman  who will  do anything their man needs them to do. They are the  “chicks”  who would do  everything for their man, there are down for the good and the bad. Man who are married and or dating these types of women love the idea that these women are,  fiercely loyal, and will never  ever consider leaving  them no matter what he does. Some infamous ride or die chicks are:

But there are limits to being a ride or die chick and times when you have to walk away.

1. cheating

2. a lengthy prison sentence

You can stick around if it’s just for a couple of months, but if he gets sentenced to more than five years it is clearly time to walk away.

3. being the financial supporter in the relationship, ok I can understand if  man fell on hard times and needs a little help, but constantly having his hand out for a handout  is  plain annoying.


A Thousand splendid suns

A Thousand splendid suns, written by the brilliant Khaled Hosseini, takes place in Afghanistan, telling the story of two women. Mariam, an unwanted illegitimate daughter, and Laila a smart, beautiful, young girl who is the daughter of a teacher.  The path of these women cross in what will seem like an unusual way to most readers, but war, the hunger for survival, the search for freedom, family and friendship brings both of Mariam and Laila close together. A Thousand splendid suns also highlights the love story between Laila and Tariq, a boy who Laila grew up with and they eventually become lovers. The love between Laila and Tariq is so strong that after a decade of being separated, they were able to fall in love again as if it was like the first time. After my first time reading this story about two years ago, I completely fell in love with this story, and read the book every chance I get. I also recommend it to all of my friends, and I would definitely encourage all of you guys reading to go out and get this book. I have come up with ten of my favorite quotes from A Thousand splendid suns:

1. “Like a compass needle that points North, a mans accusing finger  always finds a women”

2.  ” A society has no chance of success if its women are uneducated”

3. “A man’s heart is a wretched, wretched thing.  It isn’t like a mother’s womb.  It won’t bleed. It won’t stretch to make room for you.”

4.” Marriage can wait, education cannot.”

5.“…of all the hardships a person had to face none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.”

6.  Tariq tucked the gun into the waist of his denims. Then he said a thing both lovely and terrible. “For you,” he said. “I’d kill with it for you, Laila.”

7. ” yet love can move people to act in unexpected ways and move them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with startling heroism”

8. “A stubborn ass needs a stubborn driver”

9. “You see, some things I can teach you. Some you learn from books. But there are things that, well, you have to see and feel.”

10.“One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls.”

I love this book so much that I have decided to name my daughter (if I have one) after Tariq’s and Laila’s daughter Aziza. If you guy’s have any quotes from A thousand splendid suns feel free to share, if you have not read this book you need to read it ASAP! and as always

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Women of the week

Happy Monday everyone, it’s a beautiful morning and honestly I don’t understand why Monday’s get a bad reputation. Why do people hate Monday’s? If anyone can explain this to me please feel free to do so. Anyways I was reading a fascinating blog about a woman name Lizzie Velasquez, who was born without Adipose tissue (body fat), which is a condition  that is so rare that only two other people in the world is known to have this condition. She has been taunted, bullied and cyber bullied on the internet. On YouTube she was named the worlds ugliest women, and one person even commented that she should go kill herself. But she did not let the that stop her from being the best that she can be, she is now a 23-year-old college student, a motivational speaker, and a published  author. And when people stare at her, she wants to go up and tell them to stop staring and start learning. So in honour of her I have started a new event on my blog nameD: Women of the week, to honour inspirational, successful, beautiful, women who’s stories will inspire all of us men and women alike to be the best person we can be.

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When she was in high school, Lizzie Velasquez was dubbed “The World’s Ugliest Woman” in an 8-second-long YouTube video. Born with a medical condition so rare that just two other people in the world are thought to have it, Velasquez has no adipose tissue and cannot create muscle, store energy, or gain weight. She has zero percent body fat and weighs just 60 pounds.

In the comments on YouTube, viewers called her “it” and “monster” and encouraged her to kill herself. Instead, Velasquez set four goals:

~ To become a motivational speaker

~ To publish a book

~ To graduate college

~ … and to build a family and a career for herself.

Now 23 years old, she’s been a motivational speaker for seven years and has given more than 200 workshops on embracing uniqueness, dealing with bullies, and overcoming obstacles.

She’s a senior majoring in Communications at Texas State University in San Marcos, where she lives with her best friend. Her first book, “Lizzie Beautiful,” came out in 2010 and her second, “Be Beautiful, Be You,” was published earlier this month.

“The stares are what I’m really dealing with in public right now,” she told Dr. Drew Pinsky in an interview on CNN’s Headline News this week. “But I think I’m getting to the point where instead of sitting by and watching people judge me, I’m starting to want to go up to these people and introduce myself or give them my card and say, ‘Hi, I’m Lizzie. Maybe you should stop staring and start learning’.”

Velasquez was born in San Antonio, Texas; she was four weeks premature and weighed just 2 pounds, 10 ounces. “They told us they had no idea how she could have survived,” her mother, Rita, 45, told the Daily Mail. “We had to buy doll’s clothes from the toy store because baby clothes were too big.” Doctors warned Rita and her husband, Lupe, that their oldest child would never be able to walk or talk, let alone live a normal life. (Her two younger siblings were not affected by the syndrome.)

Instead, she has thrived. Her internal organs, brain, and bones developed normally, though her body is tiny. Since she has no fatty tissue in which to store nutrients, she has to eat every 15 to 20 minutes to have enough energy to get through the day. One brown eye started clouding over when she was 4 years old, and now she’s blind in that eye and has only limited sight in the other.

“Some days life doesn’t make sense,” she writes in “Be Beautiful, Be You.” “You just have to change what you can, ask for help and pray about the rest.”

She notes her triumphs and posts inspirational messages on Tumblr, and says that she’s learned to embrace the things that make her unique. Instead of trying to retaliate against people who have made her feel badly, she sets goals for herself and pushes herself to succeed in spite of the haters. She’s even reclaimed YouTube, video blogging about everything from bullying to hair-styling tips to staying positive.

“I feel really glad that I don’t look like the celebrities out there that are so beautiful,” she told Dr. Drew. “There’s a lot of stereotypes attached to that.” Not looking like a supermodel “gives people the opportunity to know you personally,” she explains. “If they’re willing to take that extra step they’ll get to know the person you really are.”

Of course, the horrible comments left on that old YouTube video stung (the video has since been removed, but Velasquez says she read every single comment). Now, she says, she understands that they’re “just words.”

“I’m human, and of course these things are going to hurt,” she said. “Their judgements of me isn’t who I am, and I’m not going to let these things define me.”

“I didn’t sink down to their level,” she said in a follow-up video on YouTube last year. “Instead, I got my revenge through my accomplishments and determination. In the battle between the ‘World’s Ugliest Woman’ video vs. me, I think I won.”

Culled: Yahoo!


“Beauty is only skin deep! Confidence is key! BE BEAUTIFUL… BE YOU”


Five memorable quotes from Forrest Gump

I am not to ashamed to admit that I have a unique unusual love for Forrest Gump (the movie) , I get excited whenever this movie comes on any network and I sit through out the entire movie even though I already know all of the twist and turn that will take place in the movie. Because I love this movie so much I have come up with a list of five memorable quotes from Forrest Gump:

1). My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

2). ” You have to do the best with what God gave you.” 

3).  Mama always said, dying was part of life. I sure wish it wasn’t

4). Stupid is as stupid does.

5). My mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

If you have any quotes you like share them with me.

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